MATH 222  In Class Exercises on Logarithms and Exponentials


1.  Solve for x:  .  First solve this using the properties of the natural logarithm function.  Then graph the function  and see where it reaches height 1.  Finally use the solve function  on the calculator.


2.  Let y = f(x) = xe-x.  Find the first and second derivatives of f(x).  Find the critical points and points of inflection.  Sketch the graph of f(x) and check your sketch with the calculator.


3.  Evaluate the following integrals and check your answer on your calculator:


4.  Evaluate the integral  by the following method.  Let F(x)=axe-2x+be-2x,  where a and b are unknown constants.  Find the derivative of F(x) and determine the values of a and b that make the derivative equal to the integrand xe-2x.


5. Let  Find a if f(2) = 2. (You should give an answer in terms of ln x and a numerical answer.)



1.     Thus .  This is a quadratic equation.  Solve using the quadratic formula.  There are two solutions: .  Only the positive solution,  is in the domain of both lnx and ln(x-1).


2. , The only critical point is x = 1. The only point of inflection is x=2. F increases on (-¥,1] and decreases on [1,¥). f is concave up on [2,¥) and concave down on (-¥,2].






       Let u = ex+1, du = exdx,  if x = 0, then u = 2;  if x = 1, then u = e+1.


4.       If a=-.5 then   

   We need to find b so that -.5-2b = 0 or b = .5/(-2). Thus b is equal to .25.  The integral is  = -.5xe-2x + .25e-2x + C.

