MATH 221 Test #3                                                                 Name________________

Instructions:  Answer all the questions on the paper provided and show all your work so that partial credit may be given.  You may use a calculator on all questions.


1.  Show that  by using a substitution and by differentiating. (15)









2.  Find                                                                                     (10)










3.      Find f(x) given that  and f(-1) = 2.                          (10)







4.  Find the area of the region enclosed by  and .       (15)


5.  A farmer has 6000 feet of fencing and wishes to construct a pasture as pictured below.  Find the maximum area of such a pasture.                                                            (20)


























6.      In the graph below .  Find each of the quantities listed below and write the integral that is needed to find that quantity.                                    (30)

a)      The area of R2.

b)      The volume of the solid obtained if R1 is rotated about the x-axis.

c)      The volume of the solid obtained if R3 is rotated about the y-axis.