MATH 221 Assignment on Free Fall


1. A baseball is thrown upwards from the ground with v0 =128 feet per second.

a) Find the equation of motion of the ball.

b) How long does the ball stay in the air?

c) How high does the ball rise?


2.  A bowling ball is dropped from a building from a height of 784 feet.

a) Find the equation of motion of the ball.

b) How long does it take the ball to reach the ground?

c) With what velocity does the ball hit the ground?


3. A meteor is first seen at a height of 1584 feet above the ground. Two seconds later it is seen at a height of 1456 feet.

a) Find the equation of motion of the meteor using the time of first sighting as t = 0.

b) How long after first sighting does the meteor hit the ground?

c) What is the velocity with which the meteor hits the ground?


4.  A ball is thrown upwards from the ground and reaches a maximum height of 256 feet.

a) Let T be the time at which the ball reaches its maximum height. Find v(T).

b) Find x(T).

c) Using parts a) and b),  find x0 and v0.