MATH 221 Test 2  Part 1                                                        Name_______________

Instructions: Find for  each of the following. You may not use a calculator on this part.                                                                                                                     (20)


1.                                                                       1.________________










2.                                                                           2.________________










3.                                                          3.________________










4.                                                                       4.________________

MATH 221 Test 2 Part 2                                                         Name________________

Instructions: Answer all the questions on this part. You may use a calculator foa all questions on this part. Show all your work so that partial credit may be given.


1.  A rectangular poster has 50 square inches of printed material with margins of 2 inches on the sides, 3 inches on the bottom, and 5 inches on the top.  What is the minimum possible area of the whole poster?                                                                                  (20)



















2.  Find the linearization of   at x = -2.                                      (10)










3. Find the intervals of concavity for the function f(x) = 6x5 – 20x3.                                (10)

4.  Find and classify all the critical points of the following functions:                     (21)
























5.  Verify the Mean Value Theorem for  over [1,4].              (12)













6. Give an example of a function, f(x), (by formula) such that f(x) has a critical point at   

     x = 0 but  does not exist.                                                                     (7)