MATH 221  Free Fall Problems


1.      Suppose that an object is moving in the atmosphere according to the position equation x(t) = 112 + 96t – 16t2. 

a)      Find its equation of velocity.

b)      At what time does it hit the ground?

c)      At what velocity does it hit the ground?


2.      A ball is thrown upwards from the ground with an initial velocity of 96 feet per second. 

a)      How long does it stay in the air?

b)      What is its maximum height?


3.      A baseball is dropped from a height of 1024 feet. 

a)      What is its equation of motion?

b)      How long does it take to hit the ground?

c)      What is its velocity of impact?


4.      A bowling ball is dropped from the Goodyear blimp.  When it is first sighted it is 2240 feet above the ground.  Two seconds later it is 2048 feet above the ground.

a)      Find the equation of motion given that t=0 is the time of first sighting.

b)      How long after it was first sighted does it hit the ground?

c)      What is the velocity of impact?


5.      A ball is thrown upwards from the ground and reaches a height of 256 feet.

a)      Find the equation of motion of the ball.

b)      How long did it stay in the air?