MATH 141 InClass Exercise on Permutations and Combinations


1.  Let A={a,b,c,d,e,f}.  Write out all permutations of the elements of A taken two at a time.  Then compute P(6,2).






2.  Let A = {a,b,c,d,e,f}.  Write out all three element subsets of A. Compute C(6,3).




3.  A bag contains 6 red marbles and 4 green marbles.  A set of three marbles is drawn from the bag at random.

a)  How many different sets of three marbles can be drawn from the bag?______

b)  How many sets of three red marbles can be drawn ? ________

c) Find the probability that the three marbles drawn are all red.  P(Red)=________

d). Find P(Green) = ________

e) Find P(More Greens than Reds) = ________

f) Find P(Exactly one Green) = ________


4. A bag contains the letters{A, B, C, D, E, G, M, O}. Suppose that three letters are drawn in order and placed on the table to form a word. (The word does not have to be a word in English – it might be CDG, for example.)

a) How many different words are possible?  _________

b) What is the probability that the word contains only consonants?

      P(All Consonants) = ______

c) What is the probability that the word has a vowel as the middle letter and two consonants? P = ________

d) What is the probability of a word with exactly two vowels (in any position)?

  P = ________


5.  Write the fraction C(10,5)/C(20/10) in terms of factorials.  Simplify the fraction as much as possible.





6.  A committee of 5 is to be selected at random from a group of 10 English majors and 9 math majors.  What is the probability that committee consists of 3 Math majors and 2 English majors?