MATH 140 In Class Exercise on Number Bases           Names________________________

1.  Express each of the following as a base 10 numeral:

 a) 3435 = ________    b)  3437 = _______  c) 6427 = ________  d) 20213 = ________




2.  Express each of the following as a base 5 numeral:

 a)  63 = _______        b) 158 = ________      c) 704 = ________  d) 2000 = _________




3.  Express each of the following as a base 7 numeral:

 a)  28 = __________  b) 53 = _________   c) 100 = _________   d) 370 = _________




4.  In the space below count from 15 to 1005. Then circle all the numerals that are even numbers. (Be careful.)  Can you find a pattern that will allow you to find even numbers easily?












5.  In the space below count from 17 to 347. Then circle all the numbers that are divisible by 3.  Can you find a pattern here?