MATH 140 In Class Exercise 4                        Sets and Subsets



1.  The set has two subsets, .  Which one is a proper subset of A?_____


2. Now let .  List all the subsets of B. _______________________________

    How many are there? _______


3. Let .  List the subsets of C.____________________________________


   How many are there?  _________

   How many subsets of C are there with exactly 2 elements?  ___________

   How many subsets of C are there that contain the element c?  ________

   How many subsets of C are there that do not contain the element c? __________



4. Let . List all the subsets of D. __________________________________


  How many are there? ______

  How many are there with exactly 2 elements?  ____________

  How many subsets of D are there that contain the element d?  ________

  How many subsets of D are there that do not contain the element d? __________


5. Fill in the table:


# of subsets of A










6. Using the table above how many subsets will a set with 5 elements have? __________