MATH 140  Test 1                                                                  Name________________

Instructions:  answer all the questions on the paper provided and show all your work so that partial credit may be given.

1.  Let U={1,2,3,…,10}, A={1,2,3,4}, and B={1,3,5,7,8,9}.  Write the elements of each of the following sets:                                                                                                            (16)

  a) ={________________}


  b) ={________________}


  c) ={________________}


  d)  ={________________}





2.  Let U={1,2,3,…,10} and A={1,2,3,4}.  Find an example of a set B (if possible) that satisfies the following:                                                                                      (20)

  a) ,  B={________________}


  b) ,  B={________________}


  c)  ,  B={________________}


  d) ,  B={________________}


  e)  ,  B={________________}





3.  a)  Is the following sequence arithmetic, geometric, or neither?                      (18)

        3,  15,  27,  39, …                       _____________


     b)  Find the next three terms in the sequence  7, 11, 15, 19, ____, ____, ____



     c)  What is the 30th term in the sequence in part b)?   ________



     d)  Find the sum  7 + 11 + 15 + …+ 399 = ____________.


4.  Express 1424 in Roman Numerals.  ___________                          (6)




5.  Express  43125 as a base ten numeral.   ____________                               (8)




6.  Express 276 as a base 5 numeral.  ____________                                      (8)




7.  Let A={1,3,5,7,9} and B={a,b,c,d,e}.                                                        (12)

  a)  Give an example of a function from A to B using an arrow diagram.





   b) Give an example of a one-to-one correspondence between A and B and express it as a set of ordered pairs.



   c)  Does the set {(1,a), (3,a), (3,b), (5,c), (7,d), (9,c)} represent a function from A to B?  Why or why not?



8.  Use Venn diagrams to determine if the following two sets are equal.              (12)
