MATH 140  In-class Exercises on Progressions



1.  Consider the arithmetic progression that begins:  4, 15, 26, …

  a)  Find the next three terms________________

  b)  Find the 20th term __________________

  c)  Find the nth term __________________

  d)  What number term is 774? __________

  e)  Find  the sum:  4 + 15 + 26 + …+ 774.  ______________



2.  The arithmetic progression of odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, … has some interesting properties. You need to find a general formula for the sum of the first n terms.  Try to accomplish  this by making a table of values and guessing the formula.











What do you notice about the numbers in the second row?


What is the sum of the first n odd numbers, starting from 1? _________________



3.  Now a more complex problem.  We want to find a formula for the following sum in terms of n:  .  As in problem 2 we try a table of values and look for a pattern. 







What kind of numbers occur in the bottom row?  ______________

To complete the problem consider the following:  The triangular numbers Tn are defined by   For example T3 = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.  recall the formula we derived in class:  .

What is your formula?  _____________.



4.  Consider the geometric progression with first term 1 and constant multiple 2.  We need to find a formula for the sum of this geometric progression.

 a) What is the nth term of the geometric progression ? __________

  b) Fill in the following table and try to find the pattern that will give the formula.














 c) What is _____________?