MATH 140  InClass Exercise on Primes and Factorization


1.  Find the prime factorizations of each of the following.  Write your answers in the following form:  .

 a) 448 = ____________

 b) 2475 = ____________

 c) 3757 = ____________

 d) 1512 = ____________


2.  Recall that d(n) is the number of positive factors of n.  For example d(12) = 6, since the positive factors of 12 are {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12}. Find d(n) below:

 a) d(50) = ____________

 b) d(30) = ____________

 c) d(144) = ____________


3.  Test the following numbers to determine if they are primes.  In each case determine the largest prime you have to test with. Answer yes if the number is prime and give a factorization if it is not a prime.

 a) 319 _______                      largest prime to test___________

 b) 321_______                       largest prime to test___________

 c) 447_______                       largest prime to test___________

 d) 191 _______                      largest prime to test___________



4.  Write the numbers from 1 to 20 in base 5.  Looking at the list, find a rule for divisibility by 2.  That is, find a divisibility test for 2 given that the numbers are expressed in base 5.  Note that 6 = 115 so the rule from base 10 will not work.

Rule for divisibility by 2:










5.  Guess a formula for d(n) when n is a number of the form n = paqb where p and q are primes.  To guess the rule compute the following examples and look for a pattern.









