INTD 354: Medieval Studies

Poetry and Cosmology in the Middle Ages

(Also known as ENGL 390)


Fall 2006


This is a course that explores what science and literature had to say to each other in the Middle Ages.  Starting in the ancient world with Greek Science and Mathematics, we trace the development of ancient and medieval theories of the universe, and show how they are embodied in important literary texts, as well as in the artistic and architectural “texts” of the Middle Ages, ending with the seminal figure of Dante.




Ronald Herzman / English / x5265

Welles 226A

e-mail:  herzman



Gary Towsley / Mathematics / x5388

South 324C


e-mail:  towsleyg



Texts: The following are available at Sundance Books on School Street


Michael Schneider, A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe

Plato, Timaeus (Cornford Translation)

Boethius,The Consolation of Philosophy

Dante, Paradiso (Musa Translation)

Cook and Herzman, The Medieval World View

Course packet


Always bring assigned text to class!!



1. A series of geometrical constructions, exercises which will help you to understand the mathematical principles we are studying from the inside.  These will count roughly 20% of the course grade.

2. Two papers: the first will be roughly 4-5 pages in length. The second will be 8 pages, not counting notes. Together the papers will count roughly 45% of the course grade.

3. A final examination will count for 25% of the course grade.

4. Participation makes up the remaining 10%.


Class Schedule:


In addition to the schedule of readings below, you are required to read The Medieval World View, especially if this is your first real encounter with the Middle Ages. You should read at least two chapters of MWV each week in order to finish the book by week five.


8/28 Introduction / Begin the Timaeus, MWV, and Schneider (a chapter per class is a good rate)

8/30                 Introduction to Greek mathematics and Science

9/1 – 9/11        Plato,  Timaeus and Genesis ch. 1

9/13                 Aristotle

9/15 -9/20        Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy

and Augustine: Confessions, Book 11

9/22-9/25         Cicero and Macrobius

9/27-9/29         The Art of Justinian / Read the Book of Wisdom

10/2                 12th Century Platonism

10/4                 Hildegard of Bingen

10/6                 Aristotle in the Middle Ages

10/11               Aquinas, Bonaventure, and Siger of Brabant

10/13-10/20     Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres

10/23-12/11     Dante: Paradiso 12/13  8 AM   Final Exam



In addition visit and click on the link for Poetry and Cosmology. There will be a growing body of useful information about the course to be found there.