Cosmology – Construction Assignment 3 –

Due Wednesday, October 25.


As a preliminary to this exercise look again at Chapter 5 in Schneider.



1. In this exercise we will cut a segment in such a way that we will produce the golden ratio between two segments.

a) First, with the paper placed horizontally draw a horizontal straight line about 5 inches long a little below the center of the paper. Call the endpoints A and B with A on the left.


b) Using the compass construct circles with the same radius and with centers A and B. Let the radius be about 3.5 inches. The two circles will intersect at two points, one above the line and one below the line. Call these points D and E with D above the original line.


c) Connect D and E with a straight line. The line intersects the original line in a point which is the midpoint of AB. Call that point C.


d) Draw circles with centers at A and at D with radii AC and DC respectively. These circles will intersect above A at a point. Call that point F.


e) ACDF should be a square. If it isn’t try again.


f) Connect F and B with a straight line.


g) Construct a circle with center B and radius BC. It intersects FB in a point Call that  point G.


The ratio FG:AB is the Golden Ratio


2. We will now use the segments of Exercise 1 to construct a regular pentagon.

a) With a piece of paper placed vertically draw a straight line of length FG from the first exercise a bit below the middle of the page. Call these points U and V. Now from Centers U and V draw circles of radius AB (again from Exercise 1). These circles will meet at a point above the line UV. Call this point X. Now draw circles from centers U and X of radius FG. These will meet at a point. Call it Y. Repeat this at points X and V and call the point of intersection W. Connect U and Y, X and Y, V and W, and X and W. The five sided figure UVWXY is a regular pentagon (If you have been absolutely accurate in your drawing.)


3. There is an alternate form of this construction given on pages 105-106 of Schneider. Perform that construction.




4. If we denote the Golden Ratio by , then we know that  or . In this construction we will test this equality.

a) With the paper horizontal draw a line about 6 inches long in the lower half of the page. From the left end of this line draw another line at an angle of about 30° .


b) Mark from the left end of the horizontal line a segment whose length is AB from Exercise 1. Mark off segments on both line starting from the left endpoint of length FG from Exercise 1. Let A be the vertex of the angle and let B be the other end of the segment of length AB. Let C and D be the end points of the other two segments (those of length FG) with C between A and B.


c) We will now construct a line through point C that is parallel to the line BD. Draw circles of the same radius of about 1.5 inches with centers B and C. The circle centered at B will cut the lines AB and BD at two points (Call  them X and Y). It will cut AB at a point. (Call it Z) Use the compass to measure the distance between the two points X and Y. Now draw a circle with that measurement as radius with center Z. Draw a circle with center Z and radius XY. This circle will intersect the circle with center at C at a point. Call it T. We are almost done. Draw line CT. It intersects AD at a point we will call S. Then AS has length 2.


d) Using the compass check that AS and AC together are the same length as AB. Since we are taking AB to be 1 unit and AC to be  this should illustrate that .