The Condemnation of 1277  (Examples)


[1] That Theology rests upon myth.

[2] That religion is a bar to  enlightened education.

[3] That no profession is superior to that of philosopher.

[4] Nothing is eternal with respect to the end which is not also eternal with respect to the beginning.

[6] When all celestial bodies return to the same point (which will take place in 36,000 years) one will see return the same effects as at present.

[9] There was no first man, nor will there be a last; on the contrary there always was and always will be the generation of man from man.

[34] That the first cause [that is, God] could not make several worlds.

[37] To admit that all causes have been at rest at some time is to admit necessarily that God is changeable.

[46] The first Principle is not, properly speaking, the cause of eternal beings. It is only such metaphorically in so far as if it was not, these beings would not exist.  It is that which conserves them.

[49] That God could not move the Heavens with a rectilinear motion; and the reason is that a vacuum would remain.

[50] God has infinite power, not in that he has made something from nothing, but because he gives continuity to infinite movement.

[55] The first being is unable to produce anything outside of itself; fro what is made differs from the agent only by its matter.

[87] The world is eternal; likewise all the species it contains – time, movement, matter, agency, potentiality – are eternal for all these come from the infinite power of God.

[98] The world is eternal because that which has a nature by means of which it could exist through the whole future has a nature by means of which it could have existed through the whole past.

[103] Form can be produced and can exist only in matter; it can not be made by an agent which does not act by means of matter.

[141] That God can not make an accident exist without a subject, nor  make several dimensions exist simultaneously [in the same place].

[153] That nothing is known better for knowing Theology.