Economics 370
Spring 2000
Term Project

Assignment:  A structured report on a particular industry of your choice.

Choice of Topic:  You may choose any industry that you wish.  Some examples include automobiles, steel, beer, airlines, banks, hospitals.  It is probably better to choose a subsection of the industry if it is large (e.g., personal computers rather than all computers).  Sources for ideas include The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes, and other business-related publications.  Choosing a small industry rather than a well-known and heavily reported one may reduce information overload.

The Proposal:  You must choose an industry no later than February 17.  You may work with a partner if you wish to.  Industries are given on a first-come, first-served basis, and thus you are encouraged to turn in your proposal as soon as possible.  The proposal should be a one to two page statement of the industry, the reasons for your choice, and any references that you have found.

Format:  Your final paper must follow the standard outline listed below.

Your paper should be appropriately formatted (style sheet to be handed out later) and include footnotes or endnotes, a title page, and a bibliography, all in appropriate format.  You are encouraged to submit drafts prior to the final submission date (May 4).

Standard Outline:  (list of questions following each point is the minimal items that should be addressed under each point and is not intended to be exhaustive.)

1.  Introduction
2.  Industry Structure
A.  Background  (What does the industry produce?  What is the basic technology?  Who buys the product, and what is it used for?  How are the products distributed?)
B.  Competition (How many firms are there in the industry?  Is entry and exit easy or difficult?  How competitive is the industry?  Are products differentiated, and how?  How innovative is the industry?  What regulations and government policy affect the industry?)
C.  Organization (How is the industry organized?  Is it publicly or privately held?  Are firms vertically integrated?  What parts of the chain of production are done by the firm, and what is bought from outside suppliers?)
3.  History and Current Trends
A.  History of the industry
B.  Trends (What are the trends in the industry?  What problems does it face?  What is likely to happen in the future, and how will this affect firms and consumers in the industry?)
4.  Analysis and Recommendations
A.  Investment  (How would you evaluate this industry from the perspective of an investor or stock market analyst?)
B.  Strategy  (How would you advise the managers of the firms in the industry?  What changes in strategy should they make?)
C.  Public Policy  (Are there changes in government policy that could make the industry more competitive and/or increase social welfare?)