What am I doing here?
In this lab, we will be doing experiments to learn about
electricity, magnetism, waves, and light. In addition to
understanding the underlying physics of each experiment, we also
want you to become familiar with some of the methods and
equipment used for scientific investigation of these phenomena.
Also, as a continuation of your progress in Analytical Physics I
Lab, you should become more accustomed to the limitations and
uncertainties associated with scientific measurement. Finally, you
should continue to develop your written communication skills so that
you can present your work in a clear, orderly, and understandable

- Part
of the intent of laboratory is that it is “discovery based leaning”.
Learning will sometimes include trial and error, and you will not
always know what the results will be ahead of time. You should take
advantage of this opportunity to investigate, instead of
merely going through the steps in the lab manual.
- How
will I be graded?
As with Analyt I Lab, your grade is relatively independent of how
well your lab results match the “predicted” results. Instead, your
grade will be determined by:
Lab Quizzes (weekly): |
25% |
Weekly Assignments
(abstracts, worksheets): |
55% |
Lab Notebook: |
10% |
Participation (e.g.,
tardiness, effort, neatness) |
10% |
100% |
- Is
there really a quiz every week?
Sort of. The quizzes are actually take-home assignments that are
due at the beginning of each lab. They are intended to insure that
you have read and understood the appropriate sections of the
lab manual before coming to lab.
- Why all the abstracts?
Writing abstracts will give you a professional edge when you finally
leave college. For any of you who find employment in science,
whether in physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc., you will
find that recognition and promotion are based to an astonishing
degree on how well you can communicate the work you do. The grade
for each abstract will be based on whether you include the
appropriate material, whether you can express yourself clearly and
succinctly, and whether you use correct grammar and correct
- Although the experiments will be performed with
partners, each student must submit unique assignments (abstracts,
worksheets, etc.) Materials are always due at the beginning
of each lab session. Late work will lose 10% per day. Lab reports
handed in more than one week late will not be accepted (but
please contact me if you have an emergency situation).
- When
the lab manual asks you to answer questions in your logbook, those
answers are factored into your logbook grade. It is expected that
your answers will always stand alone (i.e., they will make sense to
someone who has not even read the question). Answers must be
grammatically correct English sentence, not scraps or isolated
words. Note that most of those questions require you to show some
math to support your answer; they are not supposed to be guesses!
- Schedule
- Every week, you will have at least 3 things due.
Sometimes, you will have 5:
· a paper take-home pre-lab
assignment/quiz (due at the beginning of lab).
· a paper worksheet from
the previous week’s lab.
· an electronic copy of
your Excel document from the previous week’s lab, submitted
via Google Drive (see link above).
(four times per semester): a paper abstract describing
the previous week’s experiment.
(Occasional): an unannounced in-class review of your logbook so far.
College Policies that are not
specific to this course:
https://bulletin.geneseo.edu/content.php?catoid=22&navoid=958 |