What am I doing here? “Physics” is a description (not an explanation) of the behavior of the physical world around us. In this course you will learn some of the definitions, concepts, and techniques of physics. You will practice what you have learned by solving physics problems on homework assignments, quizzes, and exams. Seriously, the only way to learn physics is to do physics. At the end of this course, you should be able to apply the basic principles of classical mechanics to solve a variety of problems (not just limited to the types we do in class). |
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You will submit the majority of your weekly homework using the CAPA system
on the internet. CAPA homework is due before 8am on the day
indicated (see below). In addition, you will submit a few written problems
every week, which I will grade. This portion must be submitted at the
beginning of class on the due date. You may discuss the assignments with
other students, but the work you submit must be your own. I will
drop your lowest written assignment score when computing grades. Solutions
to all the homework problems will be posted on the web after the homework
is collected.
Unannounced quizzes will be given often throughout the semester (about
once each week). Quizzes will usually be given at the beginning of a
class, and will often emphasize material from the previous class or
assignment. I will drop your lowest quiz score when computing your final
Notice that exams will not be given during class. Exams may require
you to answer conceptual questions and to solve problems which I will
design. There are 4 exams, including the final. The exams are scheduled as
If, for some non-trivial reason, you will be unable to take an exam at the scheduled time, I may allow you to take a make-up exam; however, you must contact me at least 1 week prior to the exam date. Rescheduling is your responsibility, not mine! Grades: Final grades will be computed as follows: |