Physics & Astronomy
- SUNY Geneseo
- 3-2 Engineering
Student Responsibilities Calendar and Checklist
During Your Sophomore Year at Geneseo
Ensure that your GPA will be adequate for the school(s)
you are interested in.
Ensure that you register for the appropriate courses to ensure not only that
you can transfer, but that you will eventually obtain your Geneseo degree. See your
department advisor or the Bulletin
for more info.
Consider visiting some of the cooperative engineering schools.
During Your Junior Year at Geneseo
During the Fall semester, complete the 3-2
application form and return it to Dr. Pogo (due December 17). The
information will be examined, and if it is acceptable, letters of
recommendation will be mailed to the cooperative schools in early January.
Depending on the engineering school, you may require letters of
recommendation from other Geneseo faculty. It is your responsibility to locate
suitable faculty and request letters from them.
You must request any necessary application/transfer forms and any desired
financial aid forms from the cooperative school(s). Prior to the end of the Fall
semester, you should complete these and send them directly to the cooperative
- You are not required to pay an application fee to these schools.
Instead, write "3-2 Engineering Program" in large letters at the top of the
application/transfer form.
- If the school requires a Geneseo transcript, then you are responsible
for sending it.
During the Spring semester, you must complete a
Leave of Absence form. Forms are available from the Vice President for
Student and Campus Life Office (Erwin 108). Be sure to indicate a 2-year leave
of absence. This will allow you to return to Geneseo without reapplying if you
change your mind after starting at the partner institution, and it will keep you
on Geneseo's official list of students until you are awarded your Geneseo
While at the Cooperative Institution
- You must make sure you continue to take the correct courses towards your
Geneseo degree while at the engineering school. In the typical case, most
students need to take at least two courses at the 300+ level with an
"engineering" prefix in order to complete their Geneseo degree. Note that
"math" prefix courses will not count towards your Geneseo science major!
Also, classes in fields like "operations research", which might be offered
by a department located within the school's School of Engineering, will not
count towards your Geneseo science degree. The classes that can be counted
towards your Geneseo degree must have a clear topical connection to
your Geneseo major. So, you need to take engineering classes that are more
like physics classes than like math or business classes. If you can't tell
ahead of time whether a class at the engineering school will be able to
transfer into your Geneseo major, you should check with me or your Geneseo
department chair before assuming it will be OK.
- During your final semester, you must login to Geneseo's Knightweb system
and complete a
Request for Bachelor’s Degree Form. If you have issues accessing the
online form while at the engineering school, you should contact both
Dr. Pogo and the SUNY Geneseo registrar for assistance (registrar@geneseo.edu)
- After you have officially graduated from the engineering school, you must send an official copy of your final engineering transcript to
Geneseo. It must clearly indicate that your engineering degree was awarded
(as opposed to being "in progress"). You should send it to the Geneseo
Registrar's office, and also send Dr. Pogo an email (or a copy) to tell him that it's on
it's way.
Core Requirements at Geneseo
To obtain your Geneseo degree, you must meet all of the Geneseo core
requirements, as specified in the Geneseo Bulletin for your freshman year. With
prior approval of the Geneseo department offering the core course, or the
Geneseo Dean’s office, it may be possible to transfer credit for some
core courses to Geneseo from the cooperative school. Your Geneseo transcript
must show credit for INTD 105, HUMN 220, and HUMN 221 before leaving Geneseo.