333 Final Project
Here are a list of topics chosen for a final project.
Eric & Julian - Modules
Jenna - Perron- Frobenius theorem
Riley - Simplex and Karmarkar's methods for linear programming
Matt K - Quadratic forms
Matt C - Iterated Function System Fractals Generated by Affine
Ian - infinite dimensional vector spaces: Hamel basis
Sarah & Danica - Markov Chains
Barbara & Payton - Perturbation of eigenvalues
Harrison - Banach and Hillbert spaces
Molly & James - Moore Penrose inverse
Kevin & Colin - Linear Algebra of the Page Rank Algorithm
Arthur & Lucas - Tensors
Wilson - Forcing and Resonance
Applications text: Applied Linear Algebra by Noble and Daniel is available
on course reserve in the library.
I will try to keep this page updated once topics have been taken.
Students may work in pairs or as individuals on their final project.
There will be at most one group/topic. You are responsible for
submitting a detailed explanation of all the material. Any linear
algebra topic beyond Linear Algebra I may be used, but they all require my
approval. This is on a first-come basis. I will make
no special accommodations for a student who has no topics left they
like, or wants a partner but cannot find one. Finally I will also make
no special accommodations for a student whose partner drops the
Some have asked about citations. Once
you have located your sources, cite them using the format
in this example.
Please remember you must cite your sources. You did not make up this
material. Please also do not quote boring mathematics books.
You can write in your own words something that is at least as interesting.