GSci 345


midterm exam
Fall 1997

Answer five of the following ten questions. Choose no more than one from each group of two.

  • 1) Describe the heat flow of the Earth. Describe the basic principles, modes of flow and internal sources of heat.
  • 2) Describe the magnetic field of the Earth. Include some mention of its secular variation and mechanism and location of origin.

  • 3) Describe the types and physical properties of the meteorites which strike the Earth's surface. What is their origin? Why do we care?
  • 4) Describe the magnetism of rocks. Explain how magnetism is acquired and how geologists make use of it.

  • 5) Describe the distribution and types of seismicity that occur on Earth. Mention geometry of motion, relationship to plate boundaries and other processes which accompany it.
  • 6) Describe how the various seismic waves (P, S and SURFACE) have been used to recognize the internal zonation of Earth (crust, mantle, core). What are the seismic characteristics and differences between oceans and continents?

  • 7) Describe the relationship between the Earth's gravity field and gross crustal structure. Use the Bouguer gravity as the standard of reference.
  • 8) How is the Bouguer gravity calculated? What is measured, and what corrections are applied to the measurements?

  • 9) Describe the oceanic crust, and include some mention of the changes at the MOHO.
  • 10) Describe the continental crust. Include some mention of its composition and zonation.