GSci 100

Sample Final Exam

1. Which of the following families of silicate minerals has a crystal structure which consists of elongate single chains of SiO4 tetrahedra in which alternate tetrahedra share two corner oxygen ions with adjacent tetrahedra?

2. Atoms with unequal numbers of protons and electrons are called ? .

3. The most common characteristic shared by nearly all sedimentary rocks is ? .

4. The major soil types (pedalfer, pedocal, laterite) are different primarily because of differences in ?.

5. Which of the following landforms is not formed by the same surface process as the other three?

6. At which type of plate boundary would large, shallow focus earthquakes, young oceanic crust and no volcanism be found?

7. Which of the following gases is abundant in the volatiles which are erupted with magma during volcanism?

8. If a radioactive isotope of thorium (atomic no. 90, atomic mass 232) emits 6 alpha particles and 4 beta particles during the course of radioactive decay, what are the atomic number and atomic mass (in that order) of the stable daughter product?

9. Both metamorphism and chemical weathering cause leakage of the daughter of a parent/daughter isotope pair. As a result, both have the same effect on the radiometric age of a rock as determined from the relative abundances of a parent/daughter isotope pair. Both cause the age to be ? than the true age.

10. The type of bonding which involves loss of electrons or gain of electrons to form both positively and negatively charged ions which are then held together by electrostatic forces is called ? bonding.

11. Which of the following is a flooded extension of a continent ?

12. Which of the following terms is unrelated to the others?

13. Which of the following landforms is not common along shorelines where the bottom slopes steeply offshore ?

14. Wind transports coarse material by a process called ? .

15. The greatest volume of metamorphic rocks form as a result of ? .

16. Which of the following is not a physical requirement for a magnetic field to be generated in the interior of a planet?

17. Which of the following is not characteristic of the headwaters portions of streams ?

18. Which of the following fundamental molecular constituents of a living organism is a part of the hereditary mechanism ?

19. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the geologic time scale?

20. Granitic magma is produced by partial melting in the ? .

21. Wind erosion is negligable in humid regions because ........ ?

22. Where on Earth are old meteorite craters most likely to be found?

23. Which of the following is aligned with flow direction on glaciers?

24. Under what circumstances will the terminus of a glacier advance?

25. Perennial streams flow throughout dry periods because they derive enough water from ? .

26. Which of the following drainage patterns develops on bedrock composed of horizontal strata?

27. What is the source of nearly all ground water?

28. Which of the following sedimentary rocks is the most likely parent rock of the metamorphic rock phyllite?

29. Non-foliated metamorphic rocks are classified primarily on the basis of their ? .

30. Which of the following is not a process of physical weathering?

31. Pyroclastic material is produced by the eruption of magma that is?

32. Which of the following igneous rocks does not represent one of the three most common magma types in the Earth's crust?

33. Which evolutionary development allowed animal life to "move out of the swamp"?

34. Earth's atmosphere began the transition to oxidizing conditions with free oxygen present as a result of the evolution of ? .

35. Which of the following is not part of the secular variation of the Earth's magnetic field?

36. Which of the following fundamental principles upon which the study of historical geology is based is of no value in determining the chronology of a sequence of plutonic events?

37. The youngest known portion of the crust in the ocean basins is ? years old.

38. Which of the following is not a process of fossilization?

39. Unconformities are discontinuities in the record of Earth history preserved in rocks. Which of the following types of unconformities is most likely to document a very short discontinuity?

40. The driving forces which cause plate motion are thought to result from ? .



A) cave

E ____ alluvial fan

B) kame

D ____loess

C) moraine

B ____outwash

D) dune

A ____sinkhole

E) point bar



A) aquifer

E ____mature stream

B) esker

C ____basal sliding

C) internal plastic flow

D ____abrasion

D) saltation

B ____meltwater stream

E) floodplain

A ____piezometric surface


A) well sorted

E ____arkose

B) banded

D ____slate

C) abundant clay

A ____quartz sandstone

D) exhibits rock cleavage

C ____shale

E) angular particles

B ____gneiss


A) may contain oolites

C ____obsidian

B) non-foliated metamorphic

E ____gabbro

C) glassy texture

B ____quartzite

D) cellular texture

A ____limestone

E) contains olivine

D ____scoria


A) Triassic

C ____first reptiles

B) Devonian

A ____first mammals

C) Carboniferous

E ____first fish

D) Tertiary

B ____first "naked seed" plants

E) Ordovician

D ____evolution of grasses


A) Carboniferous

D ____first vertebrates

B) Devonian

C ____first vascular plants

C) Silurian

B ____first amphibians

D) Ordovician

E ____first photosynthetic plants

E) Precambrian

A ____first coal forests


A) low seismic velocity

D ____uplift & subsidence

B) strike-slip faulting

A ____asthenosphere

C) large reverse fault

E ____lithosphere

D) isostacy

B ____sliding plate boundary

E) crust + upper mantle unit

C ____Benioff zone


A) seamount (guyot)

C ____energy storage/release

B) refraction (bending)

D ____stable crust (of continent)

C) elastic rebound

B ____P wave shadow zone

D) shield

E ____mid-ocean ridge

E) high heat flow

A ____hot spot

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