
of the

Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing Web site

Supplemental Material for Baldwin and Scragg, Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing; Charles River Media, 2004 (Now published by Cengage Learning)

Site Index

The main entry point for the entire Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing Web site is the Index at All other documents and files are reachable from that page.

The site’s organization is generally flat, meaning that most documents have URLs of the form

where “document.html” is an individual document’s name. A few files are in subdirectories, with the following subdirectories being the most important:

Contains executable Java applets used in interactive lessons.
Contains all the documentation for Java classes.
Contains source code for the Java classes.
Contains miscellaneous files of test data for laboratory exercises.

Copyright © 2004 Charles River Media. All rights reserved.

Revised Aug. 9, 2005 by Doug Baldwin

Site Index