Instructor Notes

Dependencies Between Chapters

Supplemental Material for Baldwin and Scragg, Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing; Charles River Media, 2004 (Now published by Cengage Learning)

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The diagram below shows major dependencies between chapters in Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing. An arrow from chapter A to chapter B means that some important material in chapter B will probably be incomprehensible without understanding some material from chapter A. The diagram does not show minor dependencies (e.g., a reference in one chapter to a previous one that aids understanding but isn’t essential to it). Even in the absence of explicit dependencies between chapters, however, the book generally assumes greater algorithmic sophistication in later chapters than in earlier ones, and so is likely to be most accessible if read in chapter order.

Note the following specific comments about the diagram:

[Chapter Dependencies]

Copyright © 2004 Charles River Media. All rights reserved.

Revised Aug. 9, 2005 by Doug Baldwin

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