Instructor Notes

Chapter 2 — Abstraction: An Introduction to Design

Supplemental Material for Baldwin and Scragg, Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing; Charles River Media, 2004 (Now published by Cengage Learning)

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Each of chapters 2, 3, and 4 of Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing delves into one of computer science’s methods of inquiry by exploring one element of that method in detail. In chapter 2, the method of inquiry is design, and the element is the role of abstraction in making design manageable. This chapter also introduces object oriented programming (or reviews it, for readers who have seen it before) as a vehicle for expressing design abstractions.

Interacting Methods of Inquiry

While chapters 2, 3, and 4 nominally place each method of inquiry into its own chapter, they also illustrate that the methods are not really as easily separable as this organization suggests. Thus the relatively formal notions of pre- and postconditions are almost as prominent in chapter 2 as the more pragmatic elements of crafting object oriented algorithms are. Indeed, an important message of the chapter is that using those formal notions to develop pragmatic algorithms from formal problem specifications is an important ingredient in designs that work correctly. This idea re-emerges more explicitly in chapter 3’s proofs of correctness; chapter 3 will draw on (and even expand) chapter 2’s design ideas. Instructors should therefore ensure that students study both the formal and the pragmatic aspects of design presented in chapter 2.

The inseparability of computer science’s methods of inquiry is a theme that should pervade courses based on Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing. Students should finish such courses (and readers should finish the book) appreciating that even if they most enjoy one method (e.g., some enjoy crafting programs, others enjoy proving formal theorems), they will be more successful in that method if they can also understand and use the others.

Classroom Activities

The authors accompany this chapter with two classroom activities. One makes basic object oriented concepts tangible, and the other gives students a concrete example of abstraction and why it is so important in understanding complex systems.

Object Oriented Concepts

To give students tangible examples of many object oriented concepts, we use an abbreviated form of human chess. In other words, we have the class play a game we call “mini-chess,” in which student volunteers act as playing pieces on a “board” laid out on the floor, and other students direct them to move. To fit within the space and time of a typical class, mini-chess is played on a 4-by-4 board, using pawns, knights, queens, and kings (although instructors can certainly use different subsets of the standard chess pieces of they wish). The initial set-up of a mini-chess board is as shown here:

[4 Pawns, 2 Knights, 1 King, 1 Queen per Side on 4-X-4 Board]

Note that each queen is opposite the opposing king; this is not the standard starting configuration for chess, but it avoids giving the first player to move a trivial win. The rules for moving pieces are exactly the same as in regular chess. A typical mini-chess game only lasts for a few moves.

To set up a mini-chess game, we prepare paper props that the human pieces will carry to identify themselves: crowns for kings and queens (we make identical crowns and recruit male students to be kings and females to be queens, but one could also use the common chess iconography of crowns with crosses for kings and crowns with spikes for queens), swords for knights, and simple squares for pawns. The color of the paper indicates the color of the piece. We then lay out the chess board on the floor of the classroom with painters tape (a paper tape with a weak adhesive, used for masking surfaces in painting, and available in hardware stores; it can be removed easily from things without leaving a residue). Squares on the board should be about three feet on a side to allow people to stand comfortably on them, although in classrooms where the furniture doesn’t move out of the way, smaller squares may be necessary. Finally, we recruit actors: a total of 16 students willing to play the parts of pieces, who wear or carry the appropriate paper prop and stand on the appropriate square of the board, and two students who will be “chess masters.” We then let the “chess masters” take turns telling pieces where to move, until someone wins or the game reaches a stalemate. Note that in small classes, one can play mini-chess with only a subset of the pieces, although such games may lead to stalemates or quick wins for whoever moves first. These things don’t matter pedagogically, but they make the game less fun for the students.

Before the mini-chess class, we ask students to read the first three sections of chapter 2, to become familiar with basic object oriented concepts and with pre- and postconditions. We also warn students that we will playing a form of chess in the next class, so that students can review the rules of the game if they wish. After playing the game in class, we ask students to identify concepts from the book that they observed in the game. Concepts that the game demonstrates include…


Abstraction is something that almost everyone practices, but that many people are not consciously aware of or able to define. By examining a specific example of this paradox, we can help students understand what abstraction is, and appreciate its importance. Our current favorite example is the cellular telephone: a cell phone is “really” a sophisticated computer on an elaborate wireless network. Users of cell phones don’t think of them this way, however; users think of cell phones as relatively simple variations on the familiar telephone. This is an act of abstraction, allowing users to ignore the details of analog-to-digital conversion, network connection, radio modulation, etc., in order to “simply” place a call.

To show this abstraction to students, the instructor can offer to trade cell phones with a student, with one of the parties then placing a call to the other. Since each person is using an unfamiliar phone, it’s reasonable for each person to explain to the other how to place or answer a call with their phone. The explanation will almost certainly be in terms such as “push such and such a button,” “dial the number,” etc.

After successfully placing the call, the instructor can say a little bit about how cell phones work, and explain placing and answering a call in terms of what “really” happens — to place a call, you make the computer in the calling phone tell the radio transmitter to modulate its signal in a way that encodes a packet of data that initiates the call…. The point that this process was previously described in very different, much simpler, terms, and that no-one who really wanted to use a cell phone would use the “real” description, can be made very quickly, without requiring the instructor to know much about cellular technology. Indeed, just reciting the above sentence “you make the computer in the calling phone tell the radio transmitter to modulate its signal in a way that encodes a packet of data that initiates the call…” can be enough to establish the basic point. For instructors who want to know more about cellular technology, textbooks on wireless networking provide an ample introduction. Once students have seen the difference between how they think of cell phones and what happens internally, the instructor can say a few words about the difference as an example of abstraction: the way people usually think of their phones hides details that ordinary users don’t need to know (i.e., it’s abstraction), and indeed hides details that would make cell phones unusable if users did have to know them (i.e., abstraction is essential to working with technological systems).

Copyright © 2005 Charles River Media. All rights reserved.

Revised Aug. 9, 2005 by Doug Baldwin

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