// The Science of Computing PhoneEntry class. // History: // August 2003 -- Created by Greg Scragg. // October 2003 -- updates to several methods by GWS // April 2004 -- Documentation cleaned up and code debugged by Doug Baldwin. Also // added a "hashcode" method so that this class would meet the requirement // that objects that are equal according to the "equals" message have equal // hash codes (per Sun's documentation on Object.equals and Object.hashcode). // Made phone entries implement serializable so that data structures that contain // them can be written to and read from files. package geneseo.cs.sc; import java.io.Serializable; /** * Represents entries in a simple telephone directory, with each entry containing a * person's name, address, and telephone number. *

This class is intended a simple model for "record" objects that can be * stored in collections such as lists or trees. This class was created to support * the text Algorithms & Data Structures: The Science of Computing by * Doug Baldwin and Greg Scragg. All references herein to "the text" refer to * that book. */ public class PhoneEntry implements Comparable, Serializable { /** * The name of the person described by a telephone entry. Comparisons between * telephone entries are based on this field. */ public String name; /** * The street address for the person described by a telephone entry. */ public String address; /** * The telephone number for the person described by a telephone entry. */ public String phone; /** * Initialize a telephone book entry with a person's name, address, and * telephone number. For example *

PhoneEntry p = new PhoneEntry( "Sue", "1 Main St", "123-4567" );

* @param who The person's name for the entry. * @param newAddress An address for this person. * @param phoneNum A telephone number for this person. */ public PhoneEntry (String who, String newAddress, String phoneNum) { name = who; address = newAddress; phone = phoneNum; } /** * Compare two telephone entries. The comparison is alphabetical by the names * in the entries. For example *

if ( entry1.compareTo(entry2) < 0 ) ...

* @param secondEntry The phone entry to compare this one to. * @return A negative number if this entry's name is less than * secondEntry's; 0 if the names are equal; a positive number * if this entry's name is greater than secondEntry's. */ public int compareTo(Object secondEntry) { return this.name.compareTo( ((PhoneEntry)secondEntry).name ); } /** * Determine whether two telephone entries are the same. Entries are considered * equal if their name fields are the same. For example *

if ( entry1.equals(entry2) ) ...

* @param secondEntry The telephone entry to compare this one to. * @return True if the telephone entries are equal, false if they are not. */ public boolean equals(Object secondEntry) { return secondEntry != null && this.compareTo(secondEntry) == 0; } /** * Generate a hash code for a telephone entry. For example *

int code = entry.hashCode();


See chapter 14 of Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of * Computing for information on what hash codes are and why one uses * them.

* @return The hash code computed for this telephone entry. */ public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode(); } /** * Create a string representation of a telephone book entry. For example *

String text = entry.toString();

* @return The string representation of the telephone book entry. */ public String toString() { return name + ":\n\t address:\t " + address + "\n\t phone: \t" + phone; } }