SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Mathematical Statements

Monday, January 22

Math 239 01
Spring 2018
Prof. Doug Baldwin

Return to Course Outline

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LaTeX Workshop

LaTeX is a powerful word processor (“typesetter” might be more accurate) for math. I highly recommend it for writing in this class, and for writing math (and other things) in general.

PRISM is running a workshop introducing it this Wednesday (Jan. 24) from 2:30 - 4:00 in South 329.

(We’ll also do an introduction to it in class on Friday.)

Dreamer Talk

“The Lonely Reality of an Academic Dreamer.”

Thursday (Jan. 25), 7:00 PM, Newton 202.

Prof. Pamela Harris, Williams College.


“Invisible Lattice Points”

Looks at questions related to what integer-coordinate points or regions you can “see” from the origin if closer points block the view of ones farther away.

Some points are 'blocked' from origin by closer ones

Prof. Pamela Harris, Williams College.

Friday (Jan. 26), 2:30 PM, Newton 214.

Extra credit equivalent to up to 2 points on a problem set for going and writing a paragraph on connections you make to the talk. “Due” any time before our final exam.



Section 1.1

Statements in General

Key ideas from the reading: a mathematical statement is an assertion (i.e., English statement) that is unambiguously true or false (and not both, e.g., no opinions count as mathematical statements).

Which of the following are mathematical statements?

Conditional Statements

Key ideas from the reading: A conditional statement is a statement of the form “if P, then Q.” P is called the hypothesis of the statement, and Q the conclusion.

Classify the following as either true, false, or not a statement:


Key points from the reading and these exercises are...

Problem Set

See handout for details.

Demonstration of how to set up grading appointments via Google calendar.


Formal proofs.

Read section 1.2.

Next Lecture