What does an exam grade of 32 out of a possible 50 points say about how the
student did on the exam?
That they actually did OK, although there’s room to improve: student
understood around 3/4 of what they were expected to, the letter grade is
around a B or B-
Example(s) of “real world conjectures”?
My example from learning about fractions in 5th grade: if you express
a ÷ b as a whole number with a fraction, e.g., 5 ÷ 2 = 2 1/2,
the numerator in the fraction is the remainder from the division, and
the denominator is b
Not terribly profound (in fact I remember someone telling 5th grade me that
this is really just the definition of remainder), but it captures the idea
of a mathematical pattern you just happen to notice while thinking about
related mathematics
Another example: what happens if you add up consecutive odd numbers?
1 + 3 = 4
1 + 3 + 5 = 9
1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16
Do they always add up to a perfect square? That could be the base for a
real-world conjecture, then see if you can prove it, etc.
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except that it is n days late