SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics
Monday, April 17
Math 230 02
Spring 2017
Prof. Doug Baldwin
New access procedure: sign up for time via the Google calendar accessed from > media > video guide.
This is important -- it’s the only way to ensure you aren’t barging in on someone else’s recording!
Wednesday, April 19, 2:45 PM, Newton 204
“Precision Medicine in the Age of ‘Big Data’: Leveraging Machine Learning and Genomics for Drug Discoveries”
Katie Gayvert, Weill Medical College (Cornell) and Geneseo math alumna, class of 2012.
Monday, April 17, 2:30, Newton 203.
Extra credit for a write-up.
Sections 8.5 - 8.7
Pick out the top row of the picture of me on Mars. How about the left column? How about the top half of the image?
Relevant ideas or questions from the reading:
Think of a 3-dimensional array as made up of rows, columns, and planes:
really does display it as a single
row of pixels):>> row1 = baldwinMars( 1, :, : );
>> imshow( row1 )
as a tall column of color):>> col1 = baldwinMars( :, 1, : );
>> figure(3);imshow( col1 );
>> half = baldwinMars( 1:190, :, : );
>> imshow( half )
Make the top half of the picture of me on Mars pure red. Notice that you have to set the red channel to the maximum color value and the green and blue channels to the minimum.
>> baldwinMars( 1:190, :, 1 ) = 255 * ones( 190, 516 );
>> imshow( baldwinMars )
>> baldwinMars( 1:190, :, 2:3 ) = zeros( 190, 516, 2 );
>> imshow( baldwinMars )
Flesh out chroma key as an algorithm, in particular look at logical indexing as a way to pick out background pixels.
Start work on lab if time permits