SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics


Tuesday, January 24

Math 223
Spring 2023
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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…to Math 223 (calculus 3)

I’m Doug Baldwin.


Me: I’ve been in the math department for about 9 years now, although I came to Geneseo 30+ years ago. I started in the computer science department, but when the college closed that I moved to math. My computer science interests tend to be pretty mathematical (for instance, computer graphics, more of which in a minute), so the move actually worked very well for me. Now I teach a mixture of traditional math courses (e.g., calculus, proofs) and specialized ones at the intersection of math and computer science (e.g., Math 230, computer graphics, computability, etc.)

You: Find someone you don’t already know, introduce yourself to that person, and share a bit about why you’re taking this class and what you hope to get out of it. You’ll have an opportunity, but not a requirement, to share some of those ideas with me too, so I know a bit more about why you’re here and what you might find interesting.

(This is more than just a nice social thing: I devote lots of class time to small-group problem-solving, and having at least one person here who you kind of know will smooth the way for that.)

Who are you and what are your interests? The class is mostly math, math/adolescence education, and physics majors. No out-of-class interests people are hoping to tie to calculus, although there’s one animator who might find connections.

What Is Calculus 3?

Could calculus 3 be all about computer-generated animals?

Well, not completely, but computer-generated animals do bring up a surprising amount of what we’ll do:

Cupped curve with light shining on it, tangent line and perpendicular line to tangent where light hits curve

3 horizontal lines, top being a light; lines from points on bottom line to light partly blocked by middle line


Detailed course policies and plans, as described in the syllabus.

Please read the syllabus by tomorrow, and come to class ready to mention either something from it that seems particularly important or something that needs more explanation.

This will be a model for how lots of class meetings will work, i.e., I’ll give you something to read or otherwise do before class, and then in class I’ll collect your discoveries and questions, as a starting point for discussion or other in-class activities.

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