SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Higher Order Partial Derivatives

Wednesday, October 12

Math 223 01
Fall 2022
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Mid-Semester Feedback Survey

There’s a survey on how this course is working for you available in Canvas.

(Canvas calls it a “quiz,” but it’s anonymous, optional, and not graded, so ignore what Canvas thinks.)

I’ll report back on Monday on anything I’ve received by Friday evening.

I’ll keep the survey around and check on it from time to time throughout the rest of the semester.

Recurring Meetings

If it you’d like to have predictable times to meet with me for grading (or other things), you’re welcome to set up a recurring meeting with me for the same time each week for the rest of the semester.

(To create a recurring appointment, make the appointment in the usual way, except while editing it, click on “Does Not Repeat,” then pull down the resulting menu to see choices for how to repeat the meeting. The easiest one is “Weekly” to repeat at the same time on the same day of the week for all eternity; a little more realistic is to use “Custom” in the menu and then specify exactly how you want to repeat and when you want to stop.)


In connection with the math research weekend, so related to “Dynkin diagrams, quaternions, and the highest root game.”

By Prof. Allen Knutson, professor of math, Cornell University.

Friday (October 14), 4:00 - 5:00 PM.

Newton 204.

2nd (and Higher) Partial Derivatives

Based on “Higher-Order Partial Derivatives” in section 3.3 of the textbook.

Key Ideas

Higher-order partial derivatives are partial derivatives of partial derivatives (analogous to higher-order derivatives of single-variable functions, except that different derivatives in the sequence can be with respect to different variables)

Clairaut’s Theorem says mixed derivatives involving the same variables are equal, regardless of the order of the variables, as long as those derivatives are continuous.


Find some second and third partial derivatives z = sinx cosy

It’s often helpful to start by finding the first partial derivatives:

Derivative of sine X cosine Y with respect to X is cosine X cosine Y, with respect to Y is negative sine X sine Y

Then differentiate the first derivatives with respect to the relevant variables to find second derivatives:

Finding second partial derivatives by differentiating first partial derivatives

And you can use second derivatives to find third derivatives, and so forth:

A third partial derivative is a derivative of a derivative of a derivative

Suppose f(x,y,z) = √(x2 + y2 + z2). What are some of its higher order derivatives?

We only had time to find one of the second derivatives (and then to use Clairaut’s Theorem, which applies to more than 2 variables just as it does to 2, to find a derivative with respect to the same variables in a different order).

Finding first and second partial derivatives via the chain rule


Tangents to surfaces.

Please read “Tangent Planes,” “Linear Approximations,” and “Differentiability” in section 3.4 of the textbook.

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