SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics


Monday, August 27

Math 223 01
Fall 2018
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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...To Math 223 (Calculus 3)

I’m Doug Baldwin


“Multivariable” calculus, i.e., the calculus of functions with multiple inputs or outputs.

Since the physical world is 3-dimensional (or 4 if you include time), many models of real-world phenomena are inherently multivariable. Like computer animations of snakes...


Here are some different degrees to which you can be said to “understand” material from this course (based on “Bloom’s taxonomy” of learning). Which one do you think will get most of the emphasis in this course? (Stars are your “votes.”)

  1. Memorizing formulas, definitions, theorems, etc.
  2. Restating formulas, definitions, theorems, etc. in your own words
  3. Using formulas, theorems, etc. to solve problems *******
  4. Explaining/exploring the relationships between different elements of calculus ****
  5. Proving theorems
  6. Discovering new extensions to calculus

I plan to mostly shoot for the “using...” level, with some at the “relationships” and “proving” levels too. Memorizing and restating come in as necessary foundations for those others, of course, although to the extent you can replace memorizing with knowing where to look something up, please do.

What are some things you do to get to that level of understanding?


Syllabus and course policies

Read the syllabus

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