SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Library Research “Lab”

Monday, October 18

INTD 105 17
Fall 2021
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Research “Lab”

Start (or continue) locating sources to use for your Enigma essay.

An interesting difference between database searches and Google searches (including Google Scholar): databases will search for exactly what you said to search for, while Google will search for what it thinks you meant. There are strengths and weaknesses to both strategies, but the difference means that neither kind of search is a complete substitute for the other.

Notice that bibliographies in articles or books you find can be a useful way to find further sources. Similarly, lists of citations to something you find (e.g., as found by Google Scholar’s “Cited By” button) are likely to address a related topic.


Summarizing, quoting, and paraphrasing other people’s positions.

Please read chapters 2 and 3 in They Say, I Say.

Also please remember to send me your proposed sources for the Enigma essay by midnight tonight. And remember to submit IDS requests for any that you can’t get locally.

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