SUNY Geneseo Department of Mathematics

Enigma Chapters 3 and 4

Friday, October 8

INTD 105 17
Fall 2021
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Enigma Novel

In talking about Enigma, we discovered that there was confusion about what constitutes a “chapter.” When I talk about chapters in the book, I mean the long things with numbers and titles, not the sections within them that only have numbers.

Plot Developments

We learn a lot more about Jericho’s personal conflicts, e.g., with Skynner, with Claire, and particularly about his relationship with Claire. He is obsessed with her, stalking her and breaking into her cottage to wait for her. While there, he finds some intercepted but still encrypted messages hidden in the floor; he keeps and hides those intercepts himself. But by the next day the police, led by Wigram, become suspicious of Jericho, and he burns the intercepts.

In another plot thread, Jericho clashes with Skynner (head of naval decryption, which would make him a highly-placed administrator) and tries to punch him. Skynner orders Jericho sent back to Cambridge, but then Jericho figures out how to use U-boat “contact signals” as possible cribs for breaking back into Shark, which Skynner desperately needs to do. So Jericho stays (at least long enough for there to be another half to the novel).


These chapters also introduce some new characters:


What impressions is the novel creating of the actual history of this time, e.g., life in Britain during World War 2, life at Bletchley Park, war effort, etc.?

Rationing: everything is rationed, e.g., food, tobacco, coal, baths at Jericho’s boardinghouse (?)

People seem desensitized to the military presence, just take it for granted around them, e.g., Jericho accepting a ride from a US soldier in chapter 1.

The whole atmosphere is grim: it always seems to be cold, much of the novel happens at night when it’s dark, etc.

Secrecy: Jericho and others can’t talk about their work.


Read chapter 5 of Enigma.

Have a good break!

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