SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
Probability, Expectation, and Indicator Random Variables
Thursday, April 25
CSci 242, Spring 2013
Prof. Doug Baldwin
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Table size and hash function
- No point in table being bigger than max value h() produces
- Hashing strings to get large hash codes
h = 0
for each character c in string
h = ( h * 256 + c ) % tableSize // Can also multiply c by its position and add to h
Java Scanners
Generally a scanner is something that breaks a stream of characters into “lexemes” (word-like units such as words, numbers, punctuation marks, etc.)
Demonstration program that reads words from a file and prints them
Appendix C.2 through discrete distributions, C.3 through expected value, and analysis of hashing with chaining in 11.2
Indicator random variables
- Random variable whose values are 1 if some event happens and 0 if event doesn’t happen
- Book’s example of an indicator for two keys hashing to the same chain: Xij = I{ h(ki) = h(kj) }
- Expected value of an indicator random variable
- E[ X ] = x1 p{X=x1} + x2 p{X=x2} + ... + xn p{X=xn}
- E[ I{e} ] = 1 p{e} + 0 (1-p{e}) = p{e}
- Application: rigorously derive the expected length of a chain in a hash table
- nj = length of chain j in hash table
- Intuitively, E[nj] = n/m

Analysis of hashing
- Review “Analysis of hashing with chaining” in section 11.2 (middle of page 258 through bottom of 260)
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