SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
Tree Traversals, Part 2
CSci 240, Spring 2007
Prof. Doug Baldwin
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Lab 11 (tree height) due today
Tree Traversals
Process (e.g., print) all nodes in a tree
// In class BinaryTree<E>
private E root
private BinaryTree<E> left, right
traverse() {
if ( ! this.isEmpty() ) {
left.traverse() n1 elements
process root constant time
right.traverse() n2 elements
Kinds of traversal
- Preorder = root before children
- Inorder = root between children
- Postorder = root after children
Section 13.3.2
- Basics of traversals
- Proofs that traversal algorithm really works
- Visits every node
- Never visits a node twice
- Therefore traverse makes exactly n visits for n-node
tree, so Θ(n) time
Can you do a more rigorous derivation of execution time?
- Recurrence
- C(n) = 0 if n = 0
- C(n) = C(n1) + C(n2) + 1 if n > 0
where n1 + n2 = n - 1 and n1, n2 ≥ 0
- Patterns
- C(0) = 0
- C(1) = C(0) + C(0) + 1 = 1
- C(2) = C(0) + C(1) + 1 = 2
- Prove C(n) = n, by induction on n
- Base case, n = 0, C(0) = 0 from recurrence
- Induction hypothesis: assume C(j) = j, for all 0 ≤ j < k
- Show C(k) = k
- C(k) = C(k1) + C(k2) + 1, k1 + k2 = k - 1
- = k1 + k2 + 1 by induction hypothesis
- = k - 1 + 1
- = k
Uses of traversals
- Pre-order: push information down tree
- In-order: to process ordered trees in order
- Post-order: pull information up a tree (e.g., height)
Hand out Lab 12
Dictionary data structure
- Translates keys into values
- Search, insert, delete
- Implemented by lists, ordered trees, hash tables, etc.
Priority queues and heaps
- Section 14.4 intro (pp 493 bottom to 494)
- 14.4.1 (pg 494)
- 14.4.4 up to but not including "Insertion" (pp 497 bottom
to 500 top)
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