SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
Pre- and Postconditions
CSci 240, Spring 2007
Prof. Doug Baldwin
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Algorithm Design
Sections 2.2 and 2.3 up to 2.3.2
- Robot
- Draw squares, move, turn
- Algorithms
- Postconditions = conditions true after algorithm finishes,
implementor's job
- Preconditions = conditions that must hold for algorithm
to work, client's job
- Side effects = changes to environment that algorithm produces,
not accidental
What is abstraction?
- Preconditions and postconditions talked about without
concern for implementation -- an example of abstraction
- "Abstract art" = weird, crazy
- Doesn't represent real, recognizable things
- Communicate, capture artist's image of beauty
- Distill "beauty" to essentials, discard details
- Abstraction = focus on essentials, suppress details
Section 2.3.1 develops an algorithm for making a specific
robot draw a square. How should that algorithm really be
written for generality?
- Use parameters, pass robot as a parameter to "drawSquare"
static void drawSquare( int size, Robot r ) {
drawLine( size, r );
drawSquare( 4, robbie );
drawSquare( 10, robin );
class DrawingRobot extends Robot {
void drawSquare( int size ) {
this.drawLine( size );
DrawingRobot r = new DrawingRobot();
r.drawSquare( 4 );
- Find the point at which a line crosses the X axis
![[A Line Crossing the X Axis]](line.png)
- Postconditions for exactly what this requires?
- When does y = 0?
- x is the value such that y = 0
- Need equation of line!
- x is the value such that mx + b = 0
- Preconditions for being able to do it?
- Line must cross X axis
- mx + b must somewhere = 0
- m ≠ 0
- Algorithm for turning the preconditions into the
- Algorithm
- input: m, b
- output x = -b/m
- Precision (in this case, mathematical form) of postcondition provided information you could use (in this case, via a bit of algebra) to deduce algorithm. Also provided insight into what inputs the algorithm would need.
Hand out problem set 1
Theoretical reasoning about algorithms
Read Sections 3.1 - 3.4, 3.6
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