SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science

The Halting Problem


CSci 141, Spring 2004
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Proof for constructor in this week's lab could use strong induction

If you somehow wrote constructor without recursion you can still use induction

The Halting Problem

Chapter 17

Where next?

What does it mean for algorithm to analyze other algorithm/method

Check for non-terminating programs?

Tractable = solution computable in reasonable time

Intractable = not computable in reasonable time

Undecidable = not computable

What is "computable?"

General solution to halting problem doesn't exist

Incompleteness of mathematics

Turing machine = mathematical model of computer

Demonstration Program with stub Halting Detector

Moral: computer science has limits, but it can identify those limits

List Review


List of lists, want first element of first list

[A List with Inner Lists]

Design an algorithm that operates on a list and returns a new list containing the 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc. elements of it

    // In some subclass of List...
    List everyOther()
        if ( this.isEmpty() )
            return this.makeNewList()
        else {
            if ( this.getRest().isEmpty() ) {
                subList = this.makeNewList()
            else {
                subList = this.getRest().getRest().everyOther()
            subList.addItem( this.getFirst() )
            return subList

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