SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
Time of Binary Search
CSci 141, Spring 2004
Prof. Doug Baldwin
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Binary Search
boolean search( A, x, low, high )
if ( low <= high )
mid = (low + high) / 2
if ( A[mid] < x )
return search( A, x, mid+1, high )
else if ( A[mid] > x )
return search( A, x, low, mid-1 )
return true
return false
How to express efficiency - Section 9.2.2
- Theoretical operations might or might not
relate to execution time
- e.g., n2 grows faster than n terms
- Asymptotic notation = taking fastest-growing term of expression
![[Functions that Do or Don't Grow Proportionally to b(n)]](theta.gif)
- Comparing these fastest-growing terms is
often best
- Works best for high n values
- Beware of "=" in asymptotic notation
- How to prove asymptotic notation correct
(optional material for this course)
- Get values for c2, n2 to make other
equation hold
- Not just one value that makes this true
- Any value is OK
- Experimental test for asymptotic equivalence:
- Look for rough constant of proportionality
Best case: find x in middle of section
- How many steps is this?
- 1: "low <= high"
- or 4: "low <=high", "mid =...",
"A[mid] <..." , "A[mid] > ..."
- etc.
- Theta(1)
Worst case
- Count "low <= high" comparisons
- C(n) = # of these comparisons, in worst
case, for array of n elements
- C(n) = 1 if n = 0
- C(n) = 1 + C( (n-1)/2 ) if n > 0
![[Remove One of n Elements (Middle), Divide Remaining n-1 in Half]](bsdivide.gif)
- Maybe Theta(n/2)
- But (n-1)/2 isn't always an integer
- Restrict n just to values for which (n-1)/2 is integer
![[Closed Form Can Sample True Function]](restriction.gif)
- C(0 = 20-1) = 1
- C(1 = 21-1) = 1 + C( (1-1)/2 ) = 1 + 1
- C(3 = 22-1) = 1 + C( (3-1)/2 ) = 1 + C(1)
= 1 + 1 + 1
- C(7 = 23-1) = 1 + C(3) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
- Maybe C(n) is the opposite of
2n, i.e., log2(n)
- What about log2(n+1)?
- Looks like C(n) = log2(n+1) + 1
- Exercise for the listener to prove this
- log2(n+1) + 1 = Theta( log(n) )
Introduction to lists
Read Section 11.1 through Section 11.3.1
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