SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
and Logic
CSci 141, Spring 2004
Prof. Doug Baldwin
to List of Lectures
Previous Lecture
I'm out of town Thursday (1/29)
- Attend "town meeting" on plagiarism for
extra credit instead of coming to regular class
- 12:45 - 1:50, Milne 104
Reading Summary
Sections 5.1 - 5.5
Conditionals are how to use logic
Boolean logic
Logic operators
- Conjunction
- Disjunction (inclusive or exclusive)
- Negation
- Implication
Law of excluded middle
- "No maybe" -- propositions are true or false
Manipulating expressions
- Double negation
- Commutativity
- Associativity
- de Morgan's law
- Distributive laws
Proof by case
- Divide possibilities into cases (e.g., satisfy
assumption and don't)
- Prove result for each case
Execution time
- Average execution time, but hard to do
without more information
- Bounding execution time
- Upper bound (worst case)
- Lower bound (best case)
- Worst case more common, want to know
worst possible time
- Time analysis describes time as function of
problem size.
- Best and worst cases may be close, and so
tell expected time well
- Expected time hardly ever measured in terms of
lines of code, rather in terms of problem size
- Time depends not on how many lines there are
but on how many times they're executed e.g.,
for ( i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++ ) {
a[i] = 0;
Logic Examples
Determine whether a point (x,y,z) lies inside a
cylinder (from computer graphics)
![[A Cylinder of Height h and Radius r]](cylinder.gif)
if ( y >= 0
&& y <= h
&& x*x + z*z <= r*r )
Determine if point is outside the cylinder
if ( y < 0
|| y > h
|| x*x + y*y > r*r )
Make a robot move forward until it either comes
to a wall or a red tile
// not (robot at wall or a red tile)
while ( robot.okToMove()
&& robot.colorOfTile() != ) {
Move at least 3 tiles, then continue until a wall or
red tile
- Logic: loop while robot hasn't moved 3 tiles yet
or ( no wall or red tiles )
int tiles = 0;
while ( tiles < 3
|| ( robot.okToMove()
&& robot.colorOfTile() != ) ) {
tiles = tiles + 1;
- Or, another idea (but this moves robot in groups of 3 steps at a time)
do {
} while( not red and not wall)
Digression: Why Robot.NORTH instead of NORTH
or instead of red?
- Those constants are static members of the
Robot or Color classes
- Java's rule for naming static things:
Class . Name
Database application
- Database is made of records
- Records contain fields
- Queries are boolean combinations of tests
involving field values
- e.g., imagine a database version of my
- Record = appointment
- Fields =...
- Date
- Day of Week
- Start Time
- End Time
- Description
- ... etc ...
- This class meeting might be
- Date = Jan. 27, 2004
- Day of Week = Tuesday
- Start Time = 2:00 PM
- End Time = 3:15 PM
- Description = "CSci 141"
- Query might be
- Find records with
- (Day of Week = Tuesday
- or Day of Week = Thursday)
- and Description = "CSci 141"
- (i.e., find all the lecture meetings
of this course)
- How about "find all appointments that
conflict with any meeting of this course"
- Find records with
- ( Day of Week = Monday
- and ( ( Start Time > 10:30
- or ( Start Time > 1:30
- and Start Time < 3:20 ) )
- or ( ... same for end time ... )
- or ( (Day of Week = Tuesday
- or Day of Week = Thursday)
- and ( ... start time and end time as above ... )
Proof by Case
Where have you seen it recently?
Northeast corner algorithm
Introduction to Recursion
Read Section 6.1
Next Lecture