SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
CSci 141, Spring 2004
Prof. Doug Baldwin
ACM meeting Wednesday, 2:30, South 309
Hand in lab 1 today
Sections 3.1 - 3.3, 3.5, 3.6
Theory behind programming
Sequence of thoughts
Above is also an outline of how to prove something
Make program correct and efficient, program needs to do what it's supposed to every time in fewest steps
Proving theorem or program correct
Correct means postconditions all met after running program, this must happen every time program runs with preconditions holding
Testing (empirical) vs proving (theoretical) correctness
Logic part, not really related to programming
Modus ponens,"if p then q" allows you to conclude q when you know p is true
"makeChange" -- demonstrate correctness
Efficiency in terms of robot, e.g., move twice rather than move with some turns in between
Examples, explanation of terms
Robot needs to move from arbitrary starting position and orientation to the western-most free tile of the north row, given that another robot is somewhere in the room
Design an algorithm...
Prove that it is correct...
See the Java Code we wrote for both the algorithm and its proof. Key things in the process were that we really designed the algorithm and did the proof simultaneously, proof helped keep track of where we were and what issues had to be considered, whether algorithm was doing what we wanted. Proof really just consists of a series of statements about the state of the problem (where the hunter robot is, how it is facing) at various points in the code, with each statement following from previous ones and the results of the intervening statements.
This exercise also demonstrated some other things about design, e.g., importance of identifying an overall strategy before trying to do detailed design, importance of breaking a big problem into sub-problems, each with their own postconditions, etc.
Experimentation in computer science
Read Sections 4.1 - 4.6