SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
of Bubble Sort in Lists
CSci 141, Fall 2004
Prof. Doug Baldwin
to List of Lectures
Previous Lecture
CS Dept. Halloween party
- Tomorrow (Friday), 4:00 PM
- South 309
Hand out Lab 8
- All tile colors can be handled in one method
- Black tiles?
![[Black Tile Leads to Two Treasure Hunts, on Left and Right]](blacktile.gif)
- Coming back? Postconditions
Recursive Bubblesort
Goal: A "SortableList" subclass that handles a
"sort" message that makes a list put its elements
in ascending order. Assume elements are all
ones for which "<" is meaningful.
Strategy: Move the smallest element in the list
to the front, by swapping small elements with
things in front of them, then recursively sort
the tail of the list
// In class SortableList, a subclass of List...
void sort() {
if ! this.isEmpty()
void bringSmallestToFront()
// Postcondition: smallest element in
// list is at head
// Precondition: list is not empty
if ( this.getRest().isEmpty() )
do nothing
if this.getFirst() < this.getRest().getFirst()
do nothing
first = this.getAndRemove()
second = this.getAndRemove()
this.addItem( first )
this.addItem( second )
Mini-assignment: build the swapping from
primitive list messages
![[Swapping 1st and 2nd Elements of a List]](swap.gif)
- Start with sort
- Use induction on length of list
- Or maybe bringSmallestToFront, since sort
uses it
- Or assume bringSmallestToFront is correct,
use that to prove sort,
then prove bringSmallestToFront
- Theorem used to prove another theorem = lemma
- sort is correct because...
- Base case, 0 elements in list
- "! this .isEmpty" fails, algorithm
does nothing
- And list is still vacuously in order
- Assume sort correctly sorts a list of
length = k-1 >= 0
- When sorting a list of length k
- "! this.isEmpty()" succeeds
- Brings smallest element to head
(by lemma, list isn't empty)
- this.getRest().sort() is working on
list of k-1 elements, which by
induction hypothesis it sorts
- So now smallest element is first
and all larger elements are later,
and those later elements are sorted
- i.e., whole list is sorted
- bringSmallestToFront
- Base case, list of 1 element
- 1st "if"" succeeds, algorithm does
- Induction hypothesis: assume bringSmallestToFront brings smallest
item to front of
length k-1 >= 1 list
- Show bringSmallestToFront brings smallest item in length k >= 2
list to front
- Since k >= 2 1st "if" fails
- this.getRest() returns tail of list,
of length k-1
- So this.getRest().bringSmallestToFront
brings smallest item in tail to front of tail
- 2 cases:
- Head < smallest item in tail
- Head is therefore smallest in
list, nothing needs to be done,
nothing is
- Head (F) >= smallest item in tail (S)
- Algorithm goes to "else",
takes out two front items,
call them "F" and "S", replaces them
into list with F after S in final list
- S, now at head, is smaller than
F, and is also smallest of
all other items, i.e., smallest in whole list, now at front
Execution Time?
- Count simple list messages
- Also need to know about time for
- Recurrence for bringSmallestToFront
- Then plug answer to bringSmallestToFront into
recurrence for sort
Next Lecture