SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science

Introduction to Lists


CSci 141, Fall 2004
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Reading Summary

Sections 11.1 - 11.3

Introduces lists and list processing

Formal definition of list class

Recursion key to many list algorithms


List can be described as series of lists

What's a Data Structure?

Tables filled with data and linked together?

Structure = organized data

Organization of data for...

Other structures

    for i = 0 to 100            <- loop, containing...
        if i is odd             <- conditional, selects...
            print i             <- primitive action
             j = i - 3          <- primitive

Most of these are relevant to organizing data

What Are My Bags of Toys?

They're recursive lists

Some List Algorithms

Return the last element from a list

    // In the List class...
    // Precondition: list is not empty
    Object last()
        if ( ! this.getRest().isEmpty() )
            return this.getRest().last()
            return this.getFirst()

[Structures of Algorithm and Definition of List Correspond]


Implementing and extending the List class

Read Sections 11.4 through 11.5.2

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