SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science

Recurrence Relations and Recursive Algorithms


CSci 141, Fall 2004
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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First hour exam Thursday (Oct. 7)

I'm out of town (most of) Wednesday through Sunday after Fall break (i.e., gone Oct. 13 through 17).


Reading Summary

Rest of Section 7.2 (i.e., middle of page 230 through middle of page 238)

When number of steps not equal to parameter

Recurrences make it easier to analyze number of steps in complex recursions

As abstract summaries of algorithm, same recurrence may arise from several algorithms, only solve it once

Count steps to represent execution time

Count Occurrences of a Character in a String

    count( char c, String s )
        if ( s.length() == 0 )
            return 0
        else if ( s.charAt(0) == c )
            return 1 + count( c, s.substring(1) )
            return count( c, s.substring(1) )

How many string operations does this do to count characters in an n-character string?

Set up recurrence

Find closed form

n = 0 1
n = 1 3 + f(0) = 3 + 1
n = 2 3 + 3 + 1

Does a String Contain a Capital Letter

    hasCapital( str )
        if ( str.length() == 0 )
            return false
        else if ( str.charAt(0) is upper case )
            return true
            return hasCapital( str.substring(1) )

What is the worst-case number of string operations this does to check an n-character string?

Worst case is when no capital letters

Recurrence relation

Closed form:

Towers of Hanoi

    solve( n, source, spare, dest )
        if n > 0
            solve( n-1, source, dest, spare )
            move_disk( source, dest )
            solve( n-1, spare, source, dest )

How many "move_disk" operations does this do to move an n-disk tower?

Recurrence relation:

Closed form (from the reading)

[Sum of First Powers of 2 Equals 2^n - 1]


(Oct. 14: career services)

Oct. 19: Relating step counts to execution time

Next Lecture