SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science

Recursion, Part 2


CSci 141, Fall 2003
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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6.3.1 Guiseppe Peano's axioms


Read Sections 6.2 - 6.4

Recursion going towards smaller problem

Index = part of algorithm (or parameter) responsible for going towards smaller problem.


Recursion can also be value-producing


        if ( C1 && C2 )
            base case
            recursive case


Design a recursive algorithm, int powerOf2( int n ), that computes and returns 2n

    if n >= 0
        for ( n = n; 2 * n; n-- )
            sum = 2*n + sum
        return sum

How about

    int powerOf2( int n )
        if n = 0
            return 1
        if n >= 1
            sum = sum * 2
            powerOf2( n-1 )
            return sum
        if n <= -1
            sum = sum * 2
            powerOf2( n+1 )
            return 1/sum


    int powerOf2( int n )
        if n = 0
            return 1
        if n >= 1
            return 2 * powerOf2( n-1 )
        if n <= -1
            return (1 / 2) * powerOf2( n+1 )


Some more sophisticated uses of recursion

Read Section 6.5

Mini-Assignment: Design a recursive algorithm that makes a robot draw an n-tile line and then go back to its original tile.

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