SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science

Lists as Data Sets, Part 1


CSci 141, Fall 2003
Prof. Doug Baldwin

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Hand out Lab 9


Step-count for Lab 8

    findLargest( n )
    --> if n <= 0
            return A[0]
        else if ....

Using Lists

Maintain a list of things to do

    List toDo = new List()
    for each task to do today
        toDo = new List( task, toDo )
    while ! toDo.isEmpty()
            [ do whatever it takes to complete first task ]
        toDo =

Fill in details of loop as mini-assignment (done above)

List operations

Lists as Data Sets

"Big Three" operations

(Variations on these definitions are common)

Design a DataList subclass of List that provides these operations

    class DataList extends List {

        DataList insert( Object x ) {
            return new DataList( x, this )

        boolean search( Object x ) {
            if ( ! this.isEmpty() ) {
                if ( this.first() == x ) {
                    return true
                else {
                    this =
           x )
            else {
                return false;

        DataList delete ( Object x ) {

("search" has a few things that still need to be cleaned up Friday)

Client examples

    DataList d = new DataList()
    d = d.insert( "Hello" )

What is "Object?"

[All Classes Descend from Object]

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