SUNY Geneseo, Department of Computer Science
CSci 141
, Fall 2003
Prof. Doug Baldwin
Wednesday, September 17
This lab is intended to introduce
you to designing and conducting rigorous experiments in computer science. It does
this by asking you to plan an experiment that follows from a simple observation
about the software robots we have used in past labs.
If you create an instance of the Robot
class and send it a move
message, the robot pauses briefly and then moves forward. If you send the robot
a move
message but there is a wall in its way, it flashes momentarily
and does not move. These two observations raise a question: which takes more
time -- moving successfully, or flashing when a robot cannot move? Your overall
goal in this lab is to plan and conduct an experiment that answers this question.
While this particular experiment need not be tremendously difficult, good experiments
generally require more thought and care than it seems at first. Chapter 4 of
The Science of Computing discusses some of the issues in computer
science experiments in detail. You should be generally familiar with this chapter
before starting this experiment. During the experiment, sections 4.5 and 4.7,
on mathematical tools for controlling and estimating error, and measuring time
in Java, respectively, may be particularly useful references.
Documentation on
the Robot
class is available on-line, at
The files needed to use the Robot
class are available in our folder
on the Course Materials file server, or on the World Wide Web at
Design, carry out, and report on an experiment that allows you to determine
whether it takes more time for a robot to move one tile when unobstructed, or
to hit a wall.
There are a number of steps in any experiment, and it is worth thinking about
- Hypothesis and prediction. While you could do this experiment with no a
priori expectations about how it will come out, that is not the usual situation
in experimentation, and having some grounds for expecting one outcome rather
than another can, if nothing else, help you check your data and conclusions
for plausibility. So start this experiment by deciding whether you expect
moving or colliding to be faster. You can make this prediction based on past
experience or casual observations of Robot objects, intuitions about which
should be faster, etc. It is not so important that your prediction is right
as that you have one at all, with some grounds for believing it.
- Experimental procedure. This is where you have the most room to design something
-- specifically, your experiment. You can decide for yourself what data to
collect, how to measure it, what program to measure it in, etc. However, keep
in mind the guidelines for experimental procedure in The Science of
Computing. While not all will be relevant to this experiment (or to
any single other), many will be very important.
- Data and data analysis. Once you collect data, you will need to do some
analysis of it. This may be as simple as averaging several measurements of
each variable in your experiment in order to get an estimate of its "true"
value, or, if you have an elaborate experiment, the data analysis may be quite
elaborate itself.
- Conclusions. You should have a clear conclusion. It needn't be a long conclusion,
but it should say clearly whether your original prediction was right or wrong,
what the actual times for moving and colliding are, and can comment on anything
else you found interesting in the experiment.
Turn in a written report on your experiment. I have no specific format requirements
for this report, but I do have definite expectations about what it will cover.
This report (and others you write about experiments) should contain:
- A statement of the hypothesis and/or prediction you were testing in the
- An explanation of how you did the experiment (i.e., your experimental procedure).
Attaching a print-out of any code you wrote for the experiment can make this
part of the report much shorter, because the code in computer science experiments
often embodies much of the experimental procedure. If you attach code to the
report, you can refer the reader to that code, and only write text in the
report to explain those aspects of procedure that aren't evident from the
- All of the data you collected. It is important to show the raw data so that
a reader can check your analysis and conclusions if necessary, make their
own judgements about error levels, etc. A table of the data you collected
is often sufficient.
- A description of, and the results from, your data analysis. Sometimes this
can simply consist of a few additional rows or columns in the table of raw
data. At other times, you will need some text to explain the analysis, and
additional tables or graphs to present its results.
- A statement of the conclusion(s) you reached from the experiment. This should
at least state whether the experiment does or does not support the initial
hypothesis, and why. It is also an opportunity to comment on or speculate
about other things that occur to you as you review the experiment (for example,
do your observations during this experiment lead you to new hypotheses or
predictions? Are there further experiments that you now think would be worth
doing? Improvements on this one?)
In any report, brevity and clarity are virtues. I will be unhappy with unnecessarily
verbose reports, just as I will be unhappy with reports that are too short to
adequately describe an experiment. I do not require specific lengths for lab
reports, although a page and a half or two (not counting any code you include)
is typically adequate.