Supplemental Material for Baldwin and Scragg, Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing; Charles River Media, 2004
A collection (or container) class is a class whose instances contain multiple
other objects. The List
introduced in chapter 11 of Algorithms
and Data Structures: The Science of Computing is an example of a collection.
Collections are not fundamentally different from other classes
(every object oriented programming technique used in collections can be and
is used in other situations too), but many programmers find collections
confusing at first. The idea that objects can be stored in and retrieved
from another object takes some getting used to, and collections are the first
application many people see for several powerful object oriented
programming techniques.
This exercise introduces collections, and particularly the way List
as a collection, by asking students to write a series of programs that use lists.
Chapter 11 of Algorithms
Data Structures: The Science of Computing thoroughly describes the List
A complete implementation of this class is available, in a file named
The “Final Details” section of this document
explains where to find
this file.
Any Java source file that uses the List
class should “import” it
via a statement of the form
As explained in appendix section A.2.1 of Algorithms and Data Structures:
The Science of Computing, Java has two kinds of data: objects and non-objects
(e.g., int
, char
, double
, etc.).
objects (and most other collections) can hold any kind of object,
but that
seems to exclude all the non-object data that Java programmers might work
with. Fortunately, the designers of Java anticipated this problem, and provided “wrapper” classes
for all the non-object data types. A wrapper is a very simple object that basically
does nothing except contain one value of a non-object type. For example, instances
of the wrapper class Integer
each hold one int
, instances
of Character
hold a
, etc. To store a non-object value in a collection,
create a wrapper object to hold the non-object value, then store the wrapper
the collection. For example
Integer intWrapper = new Integer( 3 );
someList.addItem( intWrapper );
To retrieve the non-object value from the collection, retrieve the wrapper and then extract the non-object from the wrapper. For example
Integer wrappedInt = (Integer) someList.getFirst();
int retrievedInt = wrappedInt.intValue();
(The notation (Integer)
before someList.getFirst()
this example is a cast that tells the Java compiler that
this particular use of getFirst
will return
an Integer
object. Casts are often used when retrieving data from
collections, because the retrieval message is usually declared to return some
very generic
class— e.g., Object
— but client programmers often
know much more precisely what classes their application stores in the collection.
See appendix
section A.5.2 of Algorithms and Data Structures:
The Science of Computing for more information on casts.)
Here are some common wrapper classes from the Java class library.
Every wrapper class provides a constructor that takes a single value of the
corresponding non-object type as its only parameter. Every wrapper class
also handles a parameterless message for extracting the non-object value from
a wrapper, as indicated in the following table (the examples above of
wrapping and unwrapping an int
illustrate how one might use these
constructors and extractors).
Non-Object Type | Wrapper Class | Extraction Message |
int | Integer | intValue |
long | Long | longValue |
double | Double | doubleValue |
float | Float | floatValue |
char | Character | charValue |
boolean | Boolean | booleanValue |
For more information on these (and other) wrapper classes, see the Documentation for the Standard Java Library at
Java programmers can declare named constants (i.e., names that stand for an
unchangeable value). Such declarations look almost exactly like initialized
variable declarations, except that they begin with the word final
For example, the statement
final int limit = 100;
declares an integer constant whose name is limit
and whose value
is 100. See “Assignment
and Initialization” in
section A.2.1 of Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing for
more information on constant declarations. There are several places in this
exercise where such declarations will make your code easier to read and write.
Write Java programs that solve the following problems. Each problem corresponds to a separate program. The programs are simple; each will probably consist of only a main method.
Write a program that creates a list containing the integers from 1 to n, where n is a constant defined in the program. The integers should be in ascending order in the list, i.e., the first element of the list should be 1, the second 2, and so forth until the last element, which is n. After building the list, the program should save it to a file.
You may test your program on whatever n values you like, but it should be easy for a programmer to change n, and the program should work for whatever value the programmer chooses.
The name of the file in which to save the list may be read from the user, or it can simply be another constant in the program.
Write a program that reads a list from a file, and prints it for the user to see. If the list contains at least two items, the program should switch the first two within the list (i.e., make the first item be second, and the second item first) and print the result.
The program that creates and saves a list will probably be helpful for building files with which to test this program.
The name of the file from which to retrieve the list can be read from the user, using any convenient input technique. Alternatively, the file name can be provided as a constant in the program.
Write a program that creates two lists. One should contain the integers between 1 and 10, and the other should be a list of strings read from the user. Finally, create a third list that is the concatenation of these two, without changing the contents of either of the original lists. Print all three lists to verify that each contains what it should, and that the originals have not been altered by the concatenation.
You can use any input technique you like to read strings from the user for the second list. You can also use any technique you like to decide when the user has finished entering strings (e.g., have the user enter a special string such as “STOP” to mark the end of the input, read a predefined number of strings, ask the user before each string if they really want to enter another one, etc.)
File can be Downloaded from the World Wide Web.
Documentation for
the List
is also available on the Web. The main documentation page is an index to documentation
for all the Java classes written for use with Algorithms and Data Structures:
The Science of Computing. To see the documentation for a specific class,
click on that class’s name in the left-hand panel of the page.
This exercise is due on Monday, March 21. Turn in printouts of each program. In addition to the programs, turn in a couple of sentences discussing ways in which you found programming with containers similar to and different from programming you have done with other sorts of objects. These sentences can be comments in one of your programs, or they can be on a separate sheet of paper.
Portions copyright © 2004. Charles River Media. All rights reserved.
Revised Mar. 6, 2005