SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
Tree Traversals
CSci 141, Spring 2005
Prof. Doug Baldwin
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Hand out Lab 12
Performance Analysis of Tree Traversal Algorithms
if ! this.isEmpty()
process this.getRoot()
- f(n) = 1 if n = 0
- f(n) = 4 + f(n1) + f(n2) if n > 0
Observation: actual distribution of n1 and n2
doesn't seem to matter
- Assume some easy distribution
(e.g., n1 = n2 = (n-1)/2, or
n1 = n-1 and n2 = 0)
- Solve recurrence for that easy case
- Prove solution works for
the general recurrence
Mini-assignment: find closed form for an
"easy" version of above recurrence
- f(n) = 5n + 6?
- Change recurrence to
- f(n) = 4 + f(n-1) if n > 0
- f(n) = 1 if n = 0
- Then f(n) = 4n + 1 (from "kn+c" rule)
- But!
- Assuming n1 = n-1 implies n2 = 0
- f(n) = 4 + f(n-1) + f(0)
- = 4 + f(n-1) + 1
- = 5 + f(n-1) if n > 0
- So f(n) = 5n + 1
Proofs: induction on n
- 5n + 6 fails base case right away
- 5n + 1:
- Base case, n = 0
- Induction hypothesis
- Show f(k) = 5k + 1
- f(k) = 5 + f(k-1) f/ recurrence
- = 5k - 4 + 5
- = 5k + 1
- But need to prove that the original recurrence with
n1 and n2 has closed form f(n) = 5n + 1
- Strong induction on n
- Base case, n = 0, as above
- Induction hypothesis: assume f(x) = 5x + 1
for all x < k
- Show f(k) = 5k + 1
- f(k) = 4 + f(k1) + f(k2)
where k1 + k2 = k-1
- Therefore k1 < k, k2 < k
- f(k) = 4 + 5k1 + 1 + 5k2 + 1
f/ induction hypothesis
- = 4 + 5(k1+k2) + 1 + 1
- = 4 + 5(k-1) + 1 + 1 since k1 + k2 = k - 1
- = 5 + 5k - 5 + 1
- = 5k + 1
What if we tried n1 = n2 = (n-1)/2?
- f(n) = 4 + f( (n-1)/2 ) + f( (n-1)/2 )
- You could solve this by looking for patterns and proving, although exponential
and/or logarithmic terms might creep in to the analysis.
Performance of Search-Style Algorithms
Section 13.3.5 (read this for Wednesday)
search( x )
if this.isEmpty()
return false
else if x == this.getRoot()
return true
else if x < this.getRoot()
return this.getLeft().search( x )
return this.getRight().search( x )
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