SUNY Geneseo Department of Computer Science
to CS and Its Methods of Inquiry
CSci 141, Spring 2005
Prof. Doug Baldwin
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Computer Science's Methods
of Inquiry
Chapter 1 reading summary
Central concern of CS is algorithms, which
are well-defined processes for solving
"Problems" have objectively recognizable
solutions, and multiple instances.
CS Methods of inquiry are...
- Design, the planning of algorithms,
programs, hardware, ...
- Theory, the mathematical modeling of
algorithms, etc.
- Empirical analysis, the experimental
testing of beliefs about algorithms, etc
"Find the special card" game.
- I lay out some playing cards, one of which is "special"
- You determine which card is special by asking
yes-no questions about the cards
- Your goal is to find the special card in the
fewest questions
Strategy (i.e., an algorithm)
- Ask a question that eliminates half the cards
- Continue until one card left
Problem? find special card per above rules
- Instance = specific set of cards
Another algorithm
- Pick a card
- Ask if it's the special card
- Continue until one card left
Do these algorithms always solve the problem? (Theoretical reasoning)
- First algorithm: reduces number of
possible cards at each step, ....
- Always solves problem in 3 or 4 steps
- (Variation guaranteed to take 4 steps)
- Generalization:
- Suppose I had 256 cards, maybe takes
128 steps? or maybe 8?
- Square root plus 1?
- Really: the number of times you can
halve number of cards (n) plus 1
- e.g., 2x cards means x + 1 questions
- i.e., log2(n) +1 questions
- What about 2nd algorithm? how many questions?
- As many as 8? (because each question
eliminates 1 card, but last question might be
the "yes")
- Generally, n questions in the worst case
- Or 1 question in best case
But does this sort of analysis really matter, are the real-world running time
differences enough to justify developing the more complicated but faster algorithm?
- Look at a real program that implements a word-counting algorithm in 2 ways,
one theoretically faster than the other
- Small text (a few tens of words): slow algorithm took 125 mS, fast took
105 mS. So what?
- Real text ("War and Peace") slow algorithm took about 514 seconds, fast
took 3. Yes, theoretical differences can matter in a very big way!
- (And this, by the way, was empirical analysis, albeit of an informal
Design with Objects
Read Chapter 2
Next Lecture