Policy on Collaboration

Assignments in this course are learning exercises, not tests of what you know. You are therefore welcome to work on them in small groups -- a well-managed group makes a successful, and thus more educational, project more likely.

In order to assure that everyone in a group does contribute, however, I require that each student turn in a solution to every exercise written in their own words. The ideas in these solutions may be developed by a group, but at least the expression of those ideas must be yours. Furthermore, any ideas you used that aren't yours should be acknowledged with a footnote, comment, or other parenthetical remark identifying the person or source from which you got them.

Please note that tests are tests of what you know, and working together on them is explicitly forbidden. This means that if you take advantage of the collaboration policy to avoid doing your share of the work on the exercises, you will probably discover too late that you haven't learned enough to do very well on the tests.

I will penalize violations of this policy. The severity of the penalty will depend on the severity of the violation.